Included in the kit as follows.
1 x Grey International Morse Code pvc velcro patch with laser cut opening on the backside.
1 x Particulate matter filter.
2 x Aquatab 17mg water purification tablets (expiry 06/26)…refer to Aquatab.com for emergency and household dosages.
1 x Whirlpak 200mm water-solids bag individually sterilised and sealed made in the US…this bag can be used using the rays of the sun to treat water “Solar Water Disinfection” SODIS for short.
Safe to use with water and there’s an abundance of information online about the SODIS METHOD.
2 x 1L Whirlpak stand up waterbags for extra water carrying capacity…bags are individually sterilised and sealed made in the US…these bags will not fit into the patch.
These bags can also be used for the SODIS METHOD.
Mylar bag with contents fits into the backside of the patch through a laser cut opening which can then be attached to your pack, hat, jacket etc etc…