This unique survival kit contains...
Each kit weighs approximately 3.6 to 4.0 ounces and very lightweight for everyday carry.
Water Purification: 75 ML collapsible stainless steel cup (4 inch stainless wire holder included w/cup).
Fire Starting Kit: ferrocerium fire starter, ziconia striker/scraper, Tinder Quik tab fire starter and 1 foot nylon cord (lanyard).
Cutting Tool: single edge razor blade (secondary striker for fire starter).
Fishing Kit: 12 feet 12lb. test fishing line, #6 and #4 bait hooks, 2 re-usable fishing line weights.
Waterproof Instructions: Printed instructions on a coffee filter, all waterproof ink. Provides directions for fire starting and kit uses.
Wire: 2 feet 22 gauge stainless steel wire (for hanging cup, trapping, general use).